财政援助将根据学生的情况发放 参加时间. 因此, the start date of your classes will dictate how much you will receive in each of your disbursement(s).
If you are registered and meet all financial aid eligibility requirements for your disbursement 和:
- 你是 registered and 所有 of your classes begin on the first day of the semester, your first disbursement is scheduled and the specific date that disbursement beings is available on your portal after all chargers are paid.
- Your enrollment includes a combination of classes that start on the first day of the semester AND classes that start later in the semester, 你可能会收到第一笔经济援助的部分款项, 如果符合条件, 新学期的第一周. The remainder of the first disbursement will disburse approximately 14 days after your next class(s) begins.
- 你是 只有 enrolled in late start classes (meaning those that start after the first day of the semester), your financial aid disbursement(s)* will occur approximately 14 days after each late start class begins.
请注意,学生必须注册 所有 他们的课,不管什么时候金沙赌场,在 重新计算日期 of the semester in order for those courses to count toward your financial aid enrollment status. 课程 registered in after this date cannot be considered for federal financial aid funding.
All students should allow 14 days after payment appears on your MyVCCCD portal account to receive your refund.
*Loan disbursements for students in 6 or more 参加时间 (your classes have begun) will begin disbursing the second week of the semester or once you are attending 6 or more units.